Play-Asia Makes Listing for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle 2, Announcement Incoming?
In a strange turn of events, Play-Asia has posted a listing for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle 2. With no scan announcement, this should be taken with a very heavy grain of salt. Its important to note that often at times, retailers post up listings for upcoming titles privately.
This is similar to how titles for unannounced games can be found in the steam database. Does this mean that there will be a sequel to All Star Battle? The game sold over 500,000 units and even made its way across the sea to the west.
The JJBA fanbase clamored for more characters in the last title. a new title could introduce fan favorites that were left out of the original, however this listing has the title projected to release on the PS3, if this is true hopefully it’ll also release on the PS4.
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