Support ShonenGameZ Through Patreon
I’ll admit, making this article wasn’t easy, especially since we have no clue if we have a big enough following that would support us through troubling times like these. The website has grown far greater than we expected it would back when we started on November 3, 2013.
As we obtained more resources such as scans, translators and so on the website grew at an alarming rate which meant we had to slowly upgrade to better servers. After the crash from the Digimon news we broke out, we had to get better servers to handle the traffic. Since we started this website we have always been about the community and how we can bring it together with our works and be apart of the discussion.
So what is Patreon? Basically like Kickstarter, you can make as low as $1 donations to support us every month to work towards the end goal. To be clear we aren’t in danger of shutting down (yet at least), but as I stressed before..paying for these servers is starting to take a toll on us, we also are paying our translators when we can (which lately have been kind enough to do some free work for us knowing our situation), also the resources we gather to bring in the scan translations you love also factor in.
This website was really just intended for fun and for our free time as well. Most of us on the team have jobs, but after paying for our real life necessities, we try to scrap together whatever is left to keep the site up and in maintained.
None of this is mandatory of course, but worse case if this were to bomb then eventually down the road we’ll come to a point where we are all out of options and have to close down shop.
Here’s all of the rewards we have listed for those who wish to support monthly:
$1 Donation:
Personal Thank You.
$5 Donation:
Monthly small giveaways such as V-Jump themes for PS4/Vita/PS3 for example.
$10 Donation:
Cover more game series a lot more often like Saint Seiya, Digimon, DQ and more.
$20 Donation:
We’ll get a personal small translation done for you that isn’t already or wont be covered on this website.
If you wish to support you can go to our Patreon page here. All higher rewards come with the previous awards as well.