Boruto -Naruto the Movie- Plot and Report *Warning: Full movie Spoilers*
Having the week off I decided to go and see the very first showing of the Boruto movie. I bought my ticket, received my free “Book of Countries” mini book (compared to the book given out for Naruto The Last Movie, this does not give out any spoilers) and sat down in my seat eager to watch the movie. Check out the following report, but be wary as this is full of spoilers so if you don’t mind knowing main plot points etc; then please read away!
The movie begins with Sasuke fighting a mysterious large man by the name of Kinshiki (of the Ootsutsuki Clan) in a mountainous area. Kinshiki has the ability to create red glowing melee weapons created with chakra from a sign on his back. As Sasuke and Kinshiki go blow for blow we meet the movies main antagonist, Momoshiki who eats small red pills to give him enough power to create a giant dark ball of chakra to hurl at the enemy.
After this short intro we see the 3 man cell comprised of the protagonist; Boruto, Sarada and the mysterious Mitsuki all led by their group leader, Konohamaru. The team’s current mission is to take down a panda colored bear (which Sarada and Boruto complain about which one it is) that has run wild through a small village in the forest, this is where we see them use their teamwork… well not really.
As Boruto summons two shadow clones, Mitsuki uses his ability to stretch his arms and binds the bear in place, but before Sarada can get her punch in, Boruto’s two shadow clones come flying in kicking each eye of the beast; “It’s a 3 man cell right, see there’s 3 of me” he exclaims after Konohamaru shows disappointment towards Boruto.
Once the team take the panda/bear to the village, Konohamaru shows his students a new device created by Konoha’s scientists, this device is called the “Forearm Device” (original!) which allows ninjas to seal Ninjutsu’s into a scroll, shrink down the scroll, put it into the forearm device and fire off the Ninjutsu from the scroll at any time without the use of chakra (even Ninjutsu that the user has not fully controlled, let alone learned).
Konohamaru shows this by creating a Rasengan himself, sealing it into a scroll and firing it into the forest blowing a tree away… making it come down and crush a house. We then cut to the leaf village, a much bigger thriving village comprised of new technology where there’s giant televisions/handheld game consoles and even several areas of the village have skyscrapers.
We then see Naruto’s Shadow clones picking out presents, buying all the food in a supermarket (much to the dismay of Chouji and his Daughter Chouchou) and also being interviewed live on television across the Village.
Naruto explains “To be a ninja there are three words that are extremely important: Effort, Will-power and… haha yep those” (with the interviewer responding with “Ahh isn’t that two things?”. As soon as the interview is over we see the Shadow clone being interviewed disappears and we then see the real Naruto hard at work in the Hokage office.
After that Boruto angrily busts into Naruto’s office with his team acting like he is the best and arguing that he doesn’t need teamwork. Naruto shows disdain due to Boruto’s actions and this is where we meet a brand new character, a Jounin and head Ninja Tool scientist of the Leaf Village; Katasuke.
Katasuke politely explains to Naruto about the Kote nearly ready then Naruto halting his speech by saying “We fight using our Chakra, we don’t need that kind of tool”. Katasuke leaves the Hokage room once again in a polite manner, this sparks anger in Boruto telling his dad that times have change and so will the way we fight.
Naruto then scolds Konohamaru for showing off the Forearm device to his students and that he wants Boruto to do things for himself. He also tells Boruto he should join in the upcoming Chuunin Exam, but Boruto then says “It’s pointless because I don’t plan on becoming Hokage”.
Boruto also told his dad that he’s angry that his father is working too much and that the only time Naruto spends with the family is when he uses a Shadow clone. He then storms out of the office, but not before saying “It’s my little sisters birthday today, you better be there”.
Boruto is then confronted by the previously mentioned Katasuke who hands Boruto a brand new video game that Boruto asked for in which Katasuke then says “Don’t blame your father, he is proud of you”, Boruto’s not sure of how to make of what Katasuke said and walks off with Katasuke showing a sly looking grin across his face.
The scene moves to a weird looking barren world where we see the Eight Tail’s body bound against a giant tree with Momoshiki and Kinshiki floating above him. As Momoshiki explains that he will take the Eight Tails’ power and kill him, he takes a couple of his red pills, as soon as this happens the Eight Tails lets out his Tailed Beast Blast from his mouth only for it to be absorbed by the eye on the right hand of Momoshiki and then fired back at him causing huge destruction and destroying the Eight Tails and Killer Bee.
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Momoshiki then picks up Killer Bee by the head and tosses him into a nearby ocean created from the previous blast, in which we see Killer Bee slowly float down to the bottom. Meanwhile at the Leaf Village we see Boruto playing an RPG-like video game on an interesting looking handhold console (it looks like an unraveled scroll with a long screen in the center with buttons on either side and on the tops of the scroll ends) against Shikadai and Inojin.
Sarada then says “I’m going to be the Hokage and as a 3 man cell we need you so we can enter the Chuunin exam so my dream can come true”. After Sarada’s speech, Boruto says he can’t play the game with Shikadai and Inojin, but they should take his game data so he can still be on their team to which we see Inojin and Shikadai looking at Naruto’s weirdly high leveled character as they proclaim “Eurgh, he always has to cheat he can’t do anything by himself.”
Eventually Boruto agrees to join the Chuunin exam with them and Boruto asks a question that’s all on our minds, who are Mitsuki’s parents? Of course it wasn’t answered and we see Hinata and Boruto’s little sister Himawari. As mentioned before it was Himawari’s birthday and Boruto helps his mother with the groceries as they return home.
Later that night at the Uzumaki household, Boruto, Hinata and Himawari are sitting around the table as they sing “Happy Birthday” to Himawari. Naruto begins to light the candles on his daughters cake as he walks towards the table, but when the song finishes, Naruto disappears in a cloud of smoke and the cake smashes against the floor.
Naruto used another Shadow Clone yet again. This makes Boruto extremely angry as he shouts about how his father is too busy and all he does is his job and doesn’t care about his family, even when it’s his own daughter’s birthday which also makes Hinata upset and says how she is lonely and misses Naruto too.
Boruto goes to his father’s study and as he looks around he picks up Naruto’s orange costume from when he was Boruto’s age, with Boruto remarking “What a stupid outfit” and throws it out of the window. As he does so the doorbell rings and thinking it is Naruto, Boruto runs to the door opening it and throwing a punch which is then easily blocked by a mysterious tall stranger. Then the camera pans back we see it’s Sasuke.
Hinata walks to the door she lets out a “Sasuke-kun?”, in which Boruto remembers as his father, Naruto’s, rival. “Have you seen Naruto?” Sasuke proclaims. Hinata then tells him that he is at the Hokage office, “Wow he is so cool!!” Boruto says with stars in his eyes glaring at Sasuke as he walks away.
As Sasuke is half way to the Hokage’s office he sees Naruto’s tattered old outfit that Boruto previously threw out the window and as he picks it up, we see Boruto tried to attack Sasuke again to only have his legs taken out from underneath him.
“Please, I want you to take me as your pupil, I want to be as strong as you!! There is someone I need to defeat!!” shouts Boruto enthusiastically towards Sasuke, “Can you reform a Rasengan” Sasuke retorts. As Boruto shows signs that he clearly cannot create a Rasengan yet, Sasuke finishes off their talk with “When you’ve learnt how to use the Rasengan, then talk to me” as he walks off towards the Hokage office again.
With hope in his eyes Boruto runs towards Konohamaru’s house shouting for him in the middle of the night to teach him Rasengan and that he wants to learn it from Konohamaru. Sasuke arrives at the Hokage Office and after a bit of “I’m better than you”/“Heh that’s what you think” and other typical rival banter; Sasuke gives Naruto a large scroll saying he can’t read it and needs Naruto’s help.
We skip to the next day where we see Konohamaru teaching Boruto how to use the chakra to perform a Rasengan and takes him a day or two to correctly burst the balloons (as Naruto did with Jiraiya at Boruto’s age). Once he bursts it, he then learns to burst a baseball-like ball in which after a long challenge he finally does. Sarada has been watching Boruto train from the beginning while hidden in the trees.
After days of training, Boruto finally manages to create a small Rasengan (around the size of a large grape) in which Sasuke replies “That’s far too small” then smacks the Rasengan from Boruto’s hands as it slowly flies at a tree and disappears before it can make contact. Boruto leaves with a sad look on his face.
Sarada then comes down from hiding in the trees and we see her first interaction with her father in the movie when she says to Sasuke; “Daddy, I think you should take him as your student”, in which Sasuke replies “I already have” then the camera zooms towards a tree in the background with a Rasengan indent caused by Boruto’s small disappearing Rasengan.
Meanwhile Boruto remembers about the Forearm device and how he can use other people’s scrolls to perform moves. He asks Katasuke for the device and to use some scrolls in which Katasuke of course agrees once again with a big grin across his face. The next day Boruto (using a Rasengan scroll in the Forearm device) shows of a normal sized Rasengan to Sasuke, Sasuke notices something is up but still agrees to take him on as his pupil.
Sasuke teaches Boruto how to curve his Shurikens and after a short while of practice Boruto makes his first curved shuriken although on the easiest target. Sasuke then tells him to go for the target that requires a lot more curving.
After missing two shurikens, Boruto gets upset and Sasuke shows him how to do it by throwing two shurikens ricocheting one shuriken off of the other in mid-flight in order to push one of them to the center of the new board.
“That is impossible; only a Uchiha Clan member like you could pull that off!!” Boruto exclaims furiously as Sasuke performs a shadow clone technique to create another six of himself in front of Boruto. “You can do this right, even your father could at your age”, Boruto then summons around three other shadow clones with Sasuke quipping at the amount of shadow clones he could create “You do realize your father can create 1000’s of shadow clones, you need to train.”
We then skip to the Chuunin Exam where Boruto’s team and Shikadai’s team as well as a few background Leaf teams are joined by the latest generation from the Sand, Mist, Cloud and Rock villages.
Their first exam overseen by Sai is a question in which both two large areas are seen, one with an X over it and one with a O over it (being incorrect and correct respectively), after a question everyone runs to either the X or the O with Sarada turning to Boruto asking “Which answer would you think my father, Sasuke, would take?”
Boruto replies by saying “Hmm, knowing your dad I would say he would head to the incorrect space!” and finally Sarada making her mind up by saying “Okay then we’re heading to the correct space, I want to be the opposite of my father and I want to take a different path… one leading to becoming the Hokage.”
Sai then points at the above screen; “Let us see which is the incorrect answer” he says as the screen jumbles between X and O. It is then at this point that both X and O followed by Sai saying “You’re both right, yet you are both wrong and therefore…” suddenly the floor beneath both X and O groups give way as they fall down a long hole leading into a shallow underground river.
We see a lot of people fall into the river but several of the teams show their teamwork and strength by helping each other out. Mitsuki extends his arm to the top of the hole and uses the other to grab Sarada, as Boruto worries and doesn’t know if he should use the forearm device or how to get out of the situation he is caught by a thrown kunai which grabs Boruto before he hits the river.
Shinki (from the Sand Village) uses his control of Iron Sand to create a floating floor beneath him and his teammates Yodo and Araya as he floats back to the top.
“What the hell is going on!!” Sarada exclaims before Shikadai (who is using his shadow bind technique to hold himself, Inojin and ChouChou up against the wall of the hole) chimes in by saying “It was Examiner Sai’s way of testing our teamwork, the question was just to throw us off…eurgh how troublesome..” with Inojin saying “That’s my dad… he is not very good at feeling tension…”.
As everyone returns to the surface Sai tells them all that the people who fell to the bottom have failed the test and the ones who used teamwork to get to the top have passed”.
Meanwhile Naruto is walking back and forth in one place in his office awaiting news of the exam then he begins to hear footsteps so he embarrassingly sits at his desk pretending to write. “Yo, Naruto.. your son passed the first test” Shikamaru says as he enters the room, “Oh okay thanks…was that all?” Naruto tries to reply in a cool fashion but Shikamaru then adds “Oh and my son made it too so there’s a chance they will battle in the 2nd exam”.
As Shikamaru leaves the office, we see Naruto extremely happy and begins to type on his computer excitedly. Boruto then returns home not as happy as we would have thought, after panicking during the first exam and realizing he needs to work on teamwork, Boruto lets out a sigh as a beep is heard from Boruto’s computer.
Boruto turns to the computer to check this newly arrived email and it turns out to be from Naruto; “I heard you passed the first Exam. Good luck in the second! – Dad”. “Yeah, it’s always by mail, never by person…pfft, stupid father..” proclaims Boruto angry with a lot of hidden sadness behind.
Sasuke, Naruto and a group of scientists in a hidden underground scroll deciphering room decipher the earlier scroll learning that it is indeed something connected to the Ootsutsuki clan and with who and what may threaten the ninja world.
The next day Boruto picks up more scrolls from Katasuke worrying that his power is nothing and that he needs to rely on the forearm device to impress Sasuke and his father. He then heads back to his daily practice with Sasuke.
Finally we see Boruto copy the exact difficult shuriken maneuver Sasuke showed him class to perfect and Sasuke explains to Boruto that he has a while to go but so did his father, to which Boruto asks Sasuke what Naruto’s weaknesses are. Sasuke tells him “He doesn’t just have a single weakness, he has many he always has but now as a Hokage he has a lot more.”
Then comes the day of the 2nd exam, this exam was being overseen by Tenten with Shino’s bugs floating around as cameras. The objective of the 2nd exam is for teams to work together in a game of capture the flag, but if your flag is picked up by an enemy team you lose automatically. If you pick up someone’s flag you win automatically.
Many of the teams battle against each other cutting the passing teams but then we see Boruto’s team going for the flag as Boruto protects the flag with 5 shadow clones as well as himself surrounding it. As Sarada runs towards an opponent’s flag and Mitsuki fighting off others, Boruto is confronted with an unknown Genin from the mist who can also use the shadow clone technique.
He makes a lot more clones and takes down Boruto and his clones, as he lets out a pained expression Sarada and Mitsuki hear it through their earpieces, “He’ll be okay, go straight for the flag” Mitsuki explains as he tries to head back in time. With Boruto on the floor trying to get up before the flag is taken by the Genin from the Mist Village, Boruto worries and then uses his forearm device and a couple of scrolls to take him down after panicking.
Boruto first throws out a high level water technique move that floods the area and the Mist Genin shockingly exclaiming “He… he knows a water technique of this level!?” Boruto then jumps high into the air, loads a Raikiri scroll and attacks the water spreading the electricity across the water destroying the Mist Genin’s shadow clones and the Mist Genin himself.
Sarada letting out a sigh of relief then arrives at one of the enemies flags, although the area seems to be dated with hundreds of flags created by that teams Genjutsu. That’s not a problem for Sarada as she uses her Sharingan to see which flag is the true flag; she then grabs it allowing Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki to advance to the 3rd and final exam.
Right after that Boruto returns home and gets a congratulatory welcome from Hinata and Himawari before returning to his room telling his mother “I’m going to go to my room, I’m not hungry so don’t worry about dinner” of course this puts a worried face on Hinata.
Boruto sits on his bed thinking about the forearm device and if it is the right thing to use since everyone is doing their best and using teamwork but Boruto is really just taking the easy way out. We then hear a knock on the door; “I said I don’t want dinner” Boruto moans as Naruto walks in.
“I heard you passed the 2nd exam too” Naruto says quietly as he stares at a picture of him and a younger Boruto, “Yeah.. We passed..” Boruto responds as he grabs his forearm to cover up the forearm device. After a short 5 second silence Boruto tells his father “Look, could you just leave my room…” just before Naruto sticks out his fist towards Boruto and then says “You did great, son”.
Since Boruto is worried about the forearm device he doesn’t reciprocate the fist bump so Naruto decides to fist bump against Boruto’s chest “I’ve gotta go but before I do I want to say, do’`t lose to Shikadai!” After Naruto leaves, Boruto grabs his chest as he wells up with tears of joy and lays back on his bed kicking his feet in happiness with the biggest grin on his face.
The next day marks the 3rd Exam with hundreds and thousands of people gathering from all over the Ninja world to a giant stadium (a lot bigger than the 3rd exam from when Naruto was a kid), as the 6 remaining teams are paired off in a 1 v 1 battle against Genin from other countries.
With Rock Lee as the 3rd Exams referee, the first match begins with Boruto taking on Yurui; the supposed (but not confirmed) son of Killer Bee. Yurui’s attacks revolving around exploding floating bubbles of bubblegum he chews and blows at his opponent, after a little kunai on sword action, Yurui then blows out many human sized bubbles across the battlefield and the only way to get past them is to curve his shurikens perfectly.
Boruto uses a scroll secretly which send a wind technique sealed shuriken that curves around all of the bubbles and blowing through a bubble that Yurui was currently blowing at the time which sends him flying backwards thus giving Boruto the win.
Sarada and Mitsuki both fight off against Toroi and Tarui (Yurui’s team members) and destroy them relatively fast, with Sakura shouting in the background “Yes!! That’s my girl!!” then Sarada punches Tarui so hard she flies across the whole battlefield leaving a gigantic hole in the wall (like mother like daughter eh).
Boruto’s next battle is against Shikadai and after a short battle with Boruto using his shadow clones to outrun Shikadai’s binding attack, Boruto tries to go for the final strike but turns out that Shikadai used another Shadow technique that covers the circumference around him in a shadow.
While Boruto’s trapped in Shikadai’s shadow he explains “Look someone needs to give up already”, but not before Boruto uses not one, but several mini scrolls from his forearm device to create a small army of Boruto shadow clones which surround both fighters. Check Avon Brochure and Build It Catalogue. “Wow… he’s so awesome…”Sarada quietly says, but as Shikadai concedes, Naruto notices Boruto is not being so honest in his battles jumping down to the stage.
Boruto thinks Naruto has come to congratulate him again sticking out his fist for a fist bump, Naruto seems to go for the fist bump when in reality he grabs Boruto’s wrist revealing the forearm device. “Boruto… you have not been honest in your battles.. I am disappointed in you” Naruto scolds Boruto in front of the whole stadium, as he tells Rock Lee to make Shikadai the winner due to Boruto’s cheating.
Naruto continues to scold Boruto, “These exams rely on your own chakra and prowess, and this is not what being a Ninja is about” Naruto then pulls off Boruto’s leaf village ninja headband “…and you will never become a Ninja ever…”. As the audience are coming to grips with what’s going on, the antagonists Kinshiki and Momoshiki are seen floating high above the stadium.
We then see Momoshiki use Byakugan to check out Naruto and Boruto’s chakra streams, “There it is, the Fox and shortly it will be mine” proclaims Momoshiki. Then suddenly out of nowhere Katasuke appears saying “Damn, I wanted to show off more of what the forearm device is capable of, but oh well, I give unto all of you a brand new way Ninjas can battle.. no longer do we need chakra.. we just need the techniques…”
Before Katasuke can finish his speech, Kinshiki and Momoshiki crash down in the middle of the stadium aiming to take Kurama from Naruto. Momoshiki then explains that both he and Kinshiki are retainers of the Ootsutsuki clan and they are sent to help fulfill Kaguya’s wish.
Momoshiki begins to make the stadium collapse with his power and Sasuke joins the battle to finish his fight against Kinshiki. Momoshiki guards all of Naruto’s physical attacks before knocking him which makes him fly through the stadium into the forests outside.
Momoshiki begins to walk slowly towards Naruto, but not before Boruto frighteningly decides to fire off all his ninjutsu scrolls from his forearm device at Momoshiki (in which he absorbs all of them). Naruto pushes back Momoshiki as Momoshiki flies high across the stadium, this is when Sasuke explains to Naruto that Momoshiki relies on pills to create chakra to make his own attacks and use the absorbed power against the opponent.
As everyone else is busy evacuating the public, Momoshiki begins to create a giant black orb surrounded by the elemental ninjutsu Boruto fired at him previously from his forearm device. At this point Naruto goes into Nine Tails mode and with the help of Kurama, he makes a giant Kurama head of chakra to protect him.
Sasuke, Boruto and Sarada who are the only three that remain. “Is this… dad?” Boruto ponders after seeing this side of his father for the first time. Momoshiki’s giant black orb comes crashing down a chakra version of Kurama’s Nine Tails to help guard against the incoming destruction the orb will cause. Not only that but Sasuke summons Susanoo to give Kurama more defense in order to help guard against Momoshiki’s attack.
Just as Susanoo’s armor as well as part of the Kurama chakra begins to deteriorate Naruto tells Sasuke to take care of everyone as he turns to Boruto and gives him a smile. Sasuke agrees and evacuates the kids just before Naruto is engulfed in the giant black orb which creates a gigantic crater where the stadium once was.
Hours later, Boruto wakes and after hearing Himawari shout “Mommy!”, he sees that Hinata has been weakened due to trying to help Naruto, but sadly Naruto was kidnapped by Momoshiki and Kinshiki.
Boruto runs outside as we see the destruction that Momoshiki caused with medical tents everywhere as well as a lot of ninjas and the public covered in bandages. As Boruto is running he trips over and then gets upset so he rips off the forearm device then throws it to the floor. We then see Sasuke pick up the device before letting off a slight smile.
He makes his way to the Hokage office to reminisce as he sees child Naruto’s outfit that Boruto threw out days before; he then takes off his coat and replaces it with Naruto’s. “Ha.. yeah.. this is a stupid outfit..” Boruto quips before Sasuke appears and says “You look as stupid as your father did”.
Sasuke then explains that Boruto now understands the severity of being a ninja and that he needs to come with him to rescue Naruto. As they reach the roof, the other Kages appear “Don’t think you’re leaving to save Naruto, without us!” Darui and Kurotsuchi exclaim as Sasuke uses his Rinnengan to open a portal to the area the antagonists can be found, but as soon as Boruto, Sasuke and the Kages enter the portal, two extremely speedy ninjas also jump into the portal.
On the other side of the portal we see Naruto bound up against a tree as Momoshiki attempts to draw the Nine Tails’ power from Naruto’s stomach. “This is taking too long” Momoshiki angrily tells Kinshiki just before Naruto says to Momoshiki “Don’t underestimate ninjas, they’ll be here…. In fact they already are”, at this point Boruto, Sasuke and the Kages come down from above saving Naruto and proceed to battle against Kinshiki and Momoshiki.
But before Boruto can join the battle, Naruto’s wounded while saying that he is proud of Boruto and that he is a better ninja that does not resemble himself nor Sasuke, but a better mix of the two. After a long exciting battle between everyone, Kurotsuchi and Choujuro bind Kinshiki in sharp knife like water shards and black dirt that hardens around Kinshiki.
Sasuke explains to Naruto and the others to not use Ninjutsu directly at Momoshiki since he can absorb all Ninjutsu. Then we see Gaara supporting Sasuke & Darui with bridges of sand so they can get in with Taijutsu/Sword attacks.
Eventually Kinshiki seeing Momoshiki losing against everyone, Kinshiki uses all his might to break through the super strong Kurotsuchi/Choujuro bind combo (Kinshiki does rip all the skin off of his left arm and part of his body).
Kinshiki’s pouring with blood and on his last legs, due to escaping from the Kages binding techniques, he offers himself as a sacrifice in the name of Kaguya to help Momoshiki, who without a moment’s notice absorbs Kinshiki and turns him into a giant red pill in which Momoshiki devours and begins to transform into a red skinned demonic form of himself complete with a Kaguya like 3rd eye.
For the next 10 minutes, Sasuke and Nine Tails chakra Naruto battle together as the Kages give support to them when they can. During the fight, Momoshiki summons a giant rock monster and to combat against that, Naruto summons the giant Chakra Kurama who is then covered in Sasuke’s Susanoo armor complete with a sword and in a matter of seconds cuts down the giant rock/lava monster.
Momoshiki realizes how weak everyone is getting after using a lot of techniques and uses the majority of the energy he gained from the Kinshiki red pill to create an even more gigantic black orb than previously seen in the movie; this is when Sasuke tells Boruto to throw his small Rasengan towards Momoshiki.
After Boruto agrees, Momoshiki laughs thinking he can absorb it but the Rasengan slowly dies out….or so it seems. This is when we see the disappearing Rasengan deal damage to Momoshiki knocking him off balance and distracting him long enough for Naruto to tell his son to clash against Momoshiki with his Rasengan.
Naruto puts his hand beneath Boruto’s giving him more chakra making the previously tiny Rasengan now a Super Oodama Rasengan that will be able to destroy Momoshiki and his own black chakra orb. As we see Boruto and Naruto smiling at each other infusing more chakra into the Rasengan, we see pictures of Naruto from his past whenever he used the Rasengan throughout his life and even pictures of Jiraiya and even Naruto’s father Minato.
When Momoshiki realizes what is happening, he tries to throw his giant black orb, but not before Boruto uses his Super Oodama Rasengan clashing against Momoshiki’s black orb (the skin on his arm begins to deteriorate slowly due to the power of this huge Rasengan) and eventually pushing back the orb and Momoshiki blowing him up and finishing off Momoshiki in the process.
We then cut back to the Leaf Village as we see Boruto in the same type of interview as Naruto did in the very beginning of the movie with Boruto being asked the same question and Boruto answering exactly like his father did “To be a Ninja, you need to remember, it’s about: Effort and Will-Power!”
Then he disappears into a cloud as he also had a shadow clone take the interview (like father like son). The real Boruto is seen with Mitsuki and Sarada standing on a building watching said interview. “So Boruto, you truly do not want to be Hokage like your father and grandfather before you?” Sarada asks before turning red face at Boruto he says something like “Nah, I want to be the guy who supports the Hokage, so I’m going to be protecting you”.
Finally we see the Panda/Bear from the beginning of the movie causing havoc again, which Team Boruto chase down and defeat it, but this time using teamwork. It’s not over yet though, we do indeed have an after credits scene which Boruto asks Mitsuki, “Oh yeah Mitsuki, we never found out about your parents… just who the hell are you?”, with Mitsuki replying “Orochimaru”.
Sarada’s expression drops as she replies “O..Orochimaru you’re saying you’re Orochimaru’s son!? But you need two parents, who is your mother…or maybe… father?”. Mitsuki smiles and says “Yes.” Although Boruto does get the last words of the movie with “Who is Orochimaru? Sarada, Mitsuki why won’t you guys tell me.. who the hell is this Orochimaru person!!!!”
Personal Notes: This movie raised a lot of questions, not only that but a lot of characters in this movie were not voiced at all (even some big characters buried in the background of 1 or 2 scenes). Momoshiki and Kinshiki being the only antagonists and even though the final battle was epic to watch, it seemed a bit one sided on Boruto (even Toneri put up a bigger fight against Naruto in the Last Naruto movie).
In the end I personally enjoyed the movie, but it seems like that this may not be the last thing we see regarding the Naruto series.