Dragon Ball FighterZ Website Updates with Gotenks, Gohan, Kid Buu and Arcade Mode
The official Japanese website for Dragon Ball FighterZ has finally updated with the three newly revealed characters which are Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, Gohan and Kid Buu. In addition to that we have more information on the game’s arcade mode.
Gotenks will have his signature attacks like Continuous Die Die Missile and Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Adult Gohan has his potential unlocked and he can use his super meter to alter the functions of his moves. Finally, Kid Buu is a very powerful, fast and tricky character to use (which might explain his A rank in Ease of Use).
In Arcade Mode players will be able to go through battles which they call “courses” here. Maintaining a win streak and clearing courses will earn you points. Check Argos Catalogue and Aldi Offers. There are a variety of difficulties and the more points you have the harder it becomes. Things can get pretty hectic with some courses having players battle seven foes consecutively. There are all special team names in Arcade Mode.