JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle – Full US Demo Gameplay
The US Demo for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is here! The game which released in Japan in the fall of last year, and is set to release in spring 2014, now has a demo available on the PSN Store! In the demo, you can play as three different characters! Jotaro Kujo, the main protagonist of Part 3 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and the main character in the all new season of the anime is playable in this demo, along with Caesar Zeppeli from Part 2, and Dio Brando from the First Part of the series. All three characters give different feels and gameplay styles.
Jotaro is more of a up close and personal fighter that lets you take advantage of his stand’s speed, and send out a flurry of fists at the opponent. Caesar Zeppeli is a mid ranged character who has good projectile attacks using his Bubble Cutter’s, and also has great close up attacks while using the Ripple. Finally Dio Brando enters the fight using his Vampirism! He uses his powers to Freeze you, suck your blood, his a fast close up and semi technical character. His long rang move, Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (That name is dramatic enough) takes MASSIVE Damage if you get hit by it, so watch out! Below you’ll see the gameplay from the US Version of the demo, enjoy!