Naruto Storm Revolution Steam Code Giveaway


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177 Responses

  1. Bobby Jennings/Godless says:

    Already subscribed as GodlessGC J

  2. Kita says:

    I think my youtube name is Kita Hetherington… well thats atleast what appears in the corner…

    But I subscribed ages ago so I still hope that counts ^_^

    Also – You wouldn’t happen to know how to get in contact with UK Namco would you? Need to contact them about the Samurai DLC for the PS3 version.

  3. Blake Brown says:

    Already subscribed. Name is Kuybikun

  4. shaddrag says:

    Subscribed a long time ago but already have the game on PS3, as well as my Internet being too crap to download 8GB in any sensible amount of time.

  5. Shahrul Azwan says:

    subscribed. Name’s Shahrul Azwan

  6. Akirascreaming says:

    Already subscribed HeliosLight

  7. João Eduardo Soares says:

    Already subscribed. Name is Heliotcerrot or Heliot Cerrot

  8. RockSauron says:

    Just subscribed. hope I win :p Youtube name is RockSauron. Or Rock Sauron.

  9. njr689 says:

    Subscribed under the name njr689! This is kind of awesome! I watch your videos often but unfortunately never subscribed until now

  10. Dei says:

    This isn’t for PS3 guys or Xbox, it’s for PC lol.

  11. alexcross says:

    kotsos katanas

  12. The God Of Despair says:

    Already subscribed as Saloohy Omar

  13. Yasser says:

    That’s so cool! But sorry I already have the game for PC and PS3.

  14. Antti Oikarainen says:

    Subscribed name Antti Oikarainen

  15. firecrakcer001 . says:

    Subscribed ^_^ firecrakcer001

  16. Devin Davis says:

    Already Subscribed name TheAnimeCorp1

  17. LeeHatake93 says:

    I’m still waiting for Gamestop to get back to me on the Samurai DLC.
    Don’t suppose you have a PS3 code for that, do you? I already have the Rival costumes and plan to buy the Jinchuriki pack once I pick up a PSN card

  18. Wasupcoolguy says:

    Subscribed, name is Hellboy998. Good luck everyone!

  19. Enzevil says:

    Already subscribed as Enzevil!

  20. PurifiedHollow says:

    Subscribed. purifiedhollow. *crosses fingers*

  21. Matias Javier Gonzalez Orlando says:

    Already Subscribed long ago, when you guys started posting J-stars videos.

    Matias Gonzalez

  22. LeeHatake93 says:

    Already subscirbed, Youtube name is LeeHatake93, the same as this one

  23. PS3Naruto- Artbook says:

    Already Subscribed,Youtube name is PS3Naruto-Artbook

  24. MD Punk says:

    Subscribed a while back. RMGMDPunk

  25. Francesco Damiani says:

    My youtube name is KudaroKoi hope I win 😀

  26. C Brace says:

    New subscriber C Brace

  27. Ichigo Kurosaki says:

    I have already subscribed as ZebulGamer

  28. Peacock says:

    hello i have subbed my Youtube Name is DJPlace007

  29. Shogunreaper says:

    I subscribed under the name “tyler r”

  30. Kocrachon says:

    My youtube name is HavocDemon1. Hope I win, the mods will likely make this game better…

  31. Doku JuKiKyou says:

    already subscribed Doku JuKiKyou.

  32. ThunderGod65 says:

    Hi, I’ve subscribed under ThunderGod65, will be my first Naruto game on PC if I win 😀

  33. Orosz József Ábel says:

    Subscribed username is Ábel Orosz !

  34. Robin van Krieken says:

    got all the naruto games from ps2 to ps3 except this one 😀

  35. Catalinu says:

    Done,subscribed. Thx for the Giveaway!

  36. Reiji Arisu says:

    Done, suscribed. url name is Yag1211, but the Youtube name is Reiji Arisu.

  37. tabi says:

    Subscribed! You do awsome stuff my YouTube name is Tolga B ^^

  38. rax says:

    I’ve decided to give this a shot! I subbed: Flash9tk 😀 Good luck guys!

  39. PrinnyKnight says:

    Subscribed, name is Xeminda.

  40. Yugiboy85 says:

    Subscribed. Youtube Name: Yugiboy85.

  41. UCBooties says:

    subbed as UCBooties

  42. Michael says:

    Subbed, DeathlyMajestic

  43. ThilinaC says:

    Subbed as Thilina Abeykoon. I already pre-ordered the game on Steam, so fingers crossed for a Jinchuriki DLC pack 😀

    Btw week old new user here, like to see you guys doing more articles on pc releases too. When the game was released on 15th there were nothing about it in anywhere :/

  44. OtherJonny says:

    Subscribed as Jonny202003
    Believe it! XD

  45. 「Already subscribed」


  46. SeroG says:

    Subscribed. Youtube: Name: Sero G

  47. MrPoyotin says:

    Subscribed. On YouTube I go by: MrPoyotin

  48. Drev says:

    already subscribed: GameshinbunTV

  49. SketchBeMajor says:

    Subscribed. YouTube username is CircleFly.

  50. Xicor says:

    Hellninja123 and I’m already subscribed 🙂

  51. Killua Zoldyck says:


    (already subscribed)

  52. diman.wav says:

    YouTube username: mysolyanka

  53. Yui Kurushimi says:

    Yui Kurushimi

  54. Junior says:

    Youtube username: Junior Ênio

  55. 赤い血潮のハバネロ Kushina says:

    Already Subscribed
    Username: xeltosxx/xeltos

  56. Enrique Sotelo says:

    YouTube name: Fighting Game JEMDS

  57. Liutile says:


  58. Fabricio Fernandes says:

    YouTube name: Guiskill/Fabricio Fernandes

  59. miquel7000 says:

    Username: miquel7000

  60. xitchyx says:

    url name: 12narutouzamaki12
    yt name: Brady Nielsen

  61. Carlos Luis Ayala says:

    Subscribed wish it was ps3 codes. Would love to win to give away to the j stars page fans though.

  62. Shehab El Deen Mohammed says:

    YT name : CelestialRQ/ Shehab Mohamed

  63. Sam B says:

    Subscribed!! Thank you 😉

  64. ElementShield says:

    Subbed with DragonForce.

  65. Jacob Martin says:

    Subbed as Inurian59!

  66. Divine Fox says:

    Subscribed as Divine Fox

  67. Fábio Fernandes says:


    Username: Fábio Fernandes

  68. Dvante ™ says:

    already subscribed dvanteman456

  69. Lunos Trêspontozero says:

    Subscribed as Lunos Trêspontozero

  70. Skorm94 says:

    already subscribed Neghis

  71. FroggyAirplane says:

    Already subscribed as FroggyAirplane.

  72. Mikeyoshi says:

    Already Subscribed with Mikeyoshi27

  73. KingxHyruler says:

    Awesome I subbed

  74. Alexanderlovin Her Smith says:

    already subscribed alex smith

  75. Vegas says:

    Already subbed, DragonBallShinnin

  76. Jean Flores says:

    Subscribed as TeamErinMills

  77. Dekkarah says:

    Subscribed as Dekkarah.

  78. Bartman96 says:

    Already subscribed. “Bart Olivero”

  79. qthereign12 says:

    Subscribed as QJ Johnson

  80. Rou Rou says:

    Subbed with Rou Rou’s Music ^v^

  81. Sumerianman says:

    Wow, that’s awfully nice of them. Subscribed as Sumerianman.

  82. Deicable says:

    Subscribed as Deicable. Cheers!

  83. TheSoul94 says:

    subscribed as “TheSoul94”

  84. Singgih Lomempow says:

    subscribed as Singgih Lomempow

  85. sawada91 says:

    Thank you for giving this giveaway. Subscribed. Probably “Marco Barichello” XD

  86. Edgar Tay says:

    Subscribed as AjoraJade

  87. Adri Jaeger says:

    Subscribed as Dattebayo Gaming

  88. Kenny Speckle says:

    Subscribed as Kenspeckle

  89. ToshiXero says:

    Subscribed as ToshiXero

  90. John Smith says:

    Subscribed with John Smith

  91. Hollowfied Bankai says:

    Subscribed as EdoMods

  92. GadgetBuster says:

    Subscribed as thegadgetbuster

  93. zero_exe says:

    Subscribed as ZeroxEternity
    Good luck everyone 😀

  94. leonard lennard says:

    Subscribed as leonard lennard

    I want one on my pc

  95. Dominik says:

    Subscribed as Dominik Skaro

  96. Skelemelon says:

    Subscribed as redhotchilliftw

  97. Juan Ray González says:

    Subscribed as chiopunk

  98. Henry Vollmer says:

    Subscribed as Henry James

  99. Drako Esper says:

    Subscribed as DrakoEsper

  100. Kitos says:

    Subscribed as “Marco Jesus”

  101. Chris says:

    Subscribed as Chris Franklin

  102. mackers007 says:

    im mackers0071 and ive now subbed

  103. zFade says:

    Subscribed as Zentikz

  104. TheMarshy2 says:

    SaiyanABlazeNinja – Already Subscribed

  105. EBKbrothersInTime says:

    Does anyone have a 100% save for PC? I really wanna customize characters!

    • René Davidoschnaps says:

      That reminds me. Why can´t you use every accessoire on every character? For example Kakashi´s and Yamato´s Anbu Mask are only wearable by the respective character… and also not even on their ANBU costumes! I rly don´t like how they limited the customization factors there.

  106. Lazy 8 says:

    Youtube: Lazy 8

  107. llavaud says:

    Subscribed as llavaud (LLAVAUD)

  108. Kunai-in-Training says:

    Already Subscribed as VIdeoKingist

  109. Rickson da Silva says:

    Subscribed my youtube name is Rickson da Silva

  110. Naoufal D. Gnz says:

    Youtube name :Naoufal D.Gnz

  111. rufi kaasim says:

    Subscrided as rufi kaasim

  112. ShadowG says:

    Subscibed as Michel Glazman

  113. Jakub356 says:

    Subscribed as zieniel1

  114. Morgiana says:

    I subscribed as jonathan jackson

  115. Borjalyokox says:

    Subscribed as Borjalyokox

  116. ZelpherFayt says:

    Subscribed as ZelpherFayt

  117. SSJLuffy says:

    recently subscribed as Monkey D Vegetto (non modified is MonkiDiBejitto)

  118. Tokaichi-Kun says:

    Subscribed as Tokachi97

  119. firesonicz says:

    Already subscribed. my name is firesonicz

  120. omegalucas says:

    Mine shows up as either omegalucas or Paulo Lucas (since youtube was bought by google it started showing my real name instead of the username…

  121. LucsXIII says:

    subscribed as LucsXIII

  122. Raúl Shadow's Sorrows says:

    Subscribed as ArxulNGX

  123. angeke08 says:

    Subscribed as angeke08

  124. Mike Quiles says:

    Subscribed as Mike Quiles

  125. Mike Quiles says:

    Recently subscribed as Mike Quiles

  126. Ghostman says:

    Subscribed as Shawn Adams

  127. HachiMan says:

    subscribed as HachiMan

  128. Artemis13 says:

    Subscribed as Artemis13ff

  129. MrZe1598 says:

    subbed as Zé Costa

  130. Disturbed_Court_Jester says:

    Subscribed as Ty Ten

  131. Artemis13 says:

    Subscribed (quite some time ago) as Artemis13ff ;]

  132. luis says:

    Already subscribed as M. Conceição

  133. サワダ カオル ポリ says:


  134. birgeer says:

    done birger solbakk

  135. Darkness98 says:

    Already subscribed as Darkness98.

  136. Jonathan says:

    Subscribed as JonathanRedflame

  137. Abdullah Yusuf says:

    Subscribed as Abdullah Yusuf

  138. Andy Pratama says:

    Subscribed as Andy Pratama

  139. Danny Chan says:

    Subscribed as leogimon~

  140. GNRAISER says:

    Subscribed as GNRAISER

  141. Adamos89 says:

    Subscribed as Adamos89

  142. Swagdara Uchiha says:

    Piratbay m8

  143. Swagdara Uchiha says:

    You just want subs you idiot !

  144. Arachnera says:

    This seems quite interesting indeed. But I’ll let other people have a go, keep up the good work SGZ team!

  145. Cortland Williams says:

    Subscribed as Cortland W.

  146. pacifist24 says:

    subscribed as pacifist24

  147. Already Subscribed – Extraspectacular92

  148. DVirusX says:

    Subscribed as lunarwar

  149. TakeshixKun says:

    Already subscribed as SoulOfTheSky

  150. Patrick Villar says:

    already subscribed as ikibaboy

  151. Otaku Kawaii Desu-Chan says:

    Subscribed as Otaku Kawaii Desu-Chan

  152. Otaku Kawaii Desu-Chan says:

    Subscribed as Otaku Kawaii Desu-Chan.

  153. squidgy617 says:

    Subscribed as squidgy617

  154. morgan says:

    Subscribed as ShadowKunome 🙂

  155. Sasuke Uchiha says:

    Already subscribed as BenPlays

  156. Nico Shinigami says:

    I already subscribed. My Youtube username is Niko Shinigami.

  157. Patrick star says:

    Subscribed as Patrick Star

  158. Drsgonoid04 says:

    Subscribed as Drsgonoid04

  159. AnimeGEek says:

    subscribed as Edwin Altnor

  160. Hugo Mendes says:

    Subscribed under the name Hugo Mendes

  161. Seventh Sanctum says:

    I am subscribed as SeventhSanctum on youtube.