ShonenGameZ One Year Anniversary + Giveaway
Time does fly, doesn’t it? November 3rd, 2013 marks the one year anniversary since the opening of ShonenGameZ. Since we opened, our website has blown up exponentially, and of course, is all thanks to all our beloved readers checking out the website for daily news, scan translations, and gameplay footage.
To show our gratitude, we are giving away an exclusive Naruto XMB Theme included in the latest V-Jump Magazine. To enter this giveaway, you must subscribe to our YouTube channel, and comment below with the Youtube username you subscribed with. Of course if you’re already subscribed then just comment with the YouTutbe username that you’re subscribed with. It’s encouraged if you link your channel as well.
Thanks for the long year of support and here is for another year of great content. If you enjoy our content then please make sure to tell your family, friends, and colleagues about ShonenGameZ.