Latest JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Scan Reveals Jotaro, Josuke, Caesar & Noriaki
With the latest news of a brand new JoJo`s Bizarre Adventure game, titled “Eyes of Heaven”, Weekly Shonen Jump also has a new scan with some minor additional news!
The news is mostly about the reveal of another duo that will have a unique “Dual Heat Attack”, that duo being Jotaro and Kakyouin. Not only that but also other news on who will be voicing several of the characters in the game.
Jotaro is being voiced by Daisuke Ono (Jotaro in both All Star Battle and the Stardust Crusaders anime series), Diego Brando is being voiced by Takehito Koyasu (the Voice Actor for both Part 1 and 3`s Dio respectively), Caeser is being voiced by Takuya Sato (who has voiced Caeser up to this point), Josuke (4) is being voiced by his All Star Battle Voice Actor, Wataru Hatano and finally Kakyoin will be voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa (who also voices the character on the Stardust Crusaders anime series).
At the very bottom we also see Joseph talk about the previously mentioned playable console demo and that the news about the demo will come very soon!
Stay tuned here on ShonenGameZ for much more JoJo`s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven news!!