Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Game and Battle System Translation
The official website for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse has revealed more details on the game’s “Game System” and “Battle System”. As always, we translated the information provided by the website.
The game will include a variety of modes such as “Time Patrol”, “Free Battle”, Toki Toki Center”, “Pararell Quest”, and “Training/Master” In Free Battle, you will be able to make different type of battles including “1 vs. 1”, “2 vs. 2” and “3 vs. 3”. As we already know, you will be able to choose between your own created avatar and the already existent characters.
You will be able to complete side missions, train under a master to learn new techniques, wander around Toki Toki City and of course, play the game’s story mode. More information on the Online Tournament should be revealed soon as well. Additionally, you can see more details on the game’s battle system. Check them out below:
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