Dragon Ball: Xenoverse – Secret Sagas (Bardock and Broly)
In Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, there are five shards that you can collect to unlock something amazing, and we’ve found out what that is.
When you unlock all five shards, you can go to Trunks in the Scroll area and he’ll take you on a trip to do two different quest chains. The first, is Bardock’s Saga, which is pretty difficult due to the high number of enemies, and the fact that you have to babysit the father of our hero Goku.
The second saga is the Broly Saga, where you take on the Legendary Super Saiyan himself in order to save the universe. Beating each unlocks the character for you in VS mode, so do your best push through!
Check the footage out below:
Dragon Ball Xenoverse is now available on Play-Asia.com. Additionally, you may pre-order the Asian PS3 version as well. Additionally you can get digital version by buying PSN Points Cards as well.