Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Character Customisation Translations
For many of you who imported the game, you’ll quickly realise that without health capsules or the right attributes, the game can become quite difficult. In order to ease your play-through, we’ve translated the customisation menus including: Setting abilities, distributing skill points, placing capsules and more.
Most capsules in the item shop are either variations of health or power-ups. The first 10 capsules are health related so even if you know little Japanese, it should be quite easy to navigate and shop.
Once you equip all your skills and abilities, you’ll be able to unleash devastating moves in Story mode, making your overall play-through easier.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse is now available on Play-Asia.com. Additionally, you may pre-order the Asian PS3 version as well. Additionally you can get digital version by buying PSN Points Cards as well.