One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Trophy List Translations Revealed
In addition to the menus, SteelBallJack has provided and translated the trophy list for One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, which should be the same for all three versions of the game.
If you plan to get two or all three versions of the game, you should know that, similar to One Piece Pirate Warriors 2, all versions share the same platinum trophy, since you are able to transfer your save data across all versions.
The trophy list consist of 1 Plat, 2 Golds, 10 Silvers, 23 Bronzes and 3 hidden trophies. Once the game it’s available on Steam, the achievement list should be the same. Check them out below:
“I`ll be the Pirate King!!”
Bronze: “We`ll always be friends.”
Clear the Legend Log`s Prologue.
Bronze: “Let`s head for the Grand Line!!”
Clear Chapter 1 of the Legend Log.
Bronze: “So the Golden Village is in the sky!!”
Clear Chapter 2 of the Legend Log.
Bronze: “This crew is pretty varied, huh?”
Clear Chapter 3 of the Legend Log.
Bronze: “2 Years later at Sabaody Archipelago”
Clear Chapter 4 of the Legend Log.
Bronze: “Common Sense does not run well on the Ocean.”
Clear over 5 Islands in Dream Log mode.
Bronze: “You`ll know when you get there.”
Clear over 15 Islands in Dream Log Mode.
Bronze: “Come with me to the top”
Clear 1 episode with an S rank.
Silver: “Come join me at the very top”
Clear 1 episode on Legend Difficulty 100%.
Gold: “Earthly desires are found there”
Clear all episodes on Legendary difficulty with 100%.
Bronze: “What kind of adventures await us next”
Obtain 25% of items in the Gallery.
Gold: “We know everything about this world’s history”
Obtain every item in the Gallery.
Bronze: “Nice one Zoro!”
Used Kizuna Attack for the first time.
Bronze: “No sweat, Captain”
Used Kizuna Rush for the first time.
Bronze: “Help me ,Sogeking!!”
Used Hero Power for the first time.
Bronze: “Hey, Chef. Give me a hand for 10 seconds would ya?”
Changed Characters mid-battle for the first time.
Bronze: “We`re already friends.”
Get 1 character`s Partner Level to Max Level.
Silver: “Everyone here is a part of my family…”
Get over 20 characters Partner Level to Max level.
Bronze: “We`re Wanted men”
Obtain 1 Skill Poster
Silver: “I have a bounty of 400 Million!?”
Obtain over 20 Skill Posters
Bronze: “I will overcome you!!”
Obtain 1 Skill
Silver: “You`ve really filled in that Hat”
Obtain over 20 Skills.
Bronze: “”I`ll be taking this treasure, see ya!”
Obtain 1 Coin.
Bronze: “It seems there are different types”
Obtain over 50 Coins.
Silver: “Woah there is a lot of Treasure scattered all over here!”
Obtain over 100 Coins.
Silver: “I`ll get stronger!!”
Max out 1 Characters stats
Silver: “If you want to lay down your life for me, then come!!”
Obtain all Playable Characters.
Silver: “It doesn’t matter how many of you there are, come at me!!”
Defeat over 100,000 enemies.
Silver: “As expected from Luffy`s crew.”
Defeat over 10,000 enemies using Kizuna Attack.
Silver: “He certainly is a Legendary Beast!!!”
Defeat over 10,000 enemies with your Special Attacks.
Silver: “What a terrifying power….”
Defeat 300 enemies during one Kizuna Rush use.
Bronze: “If I can`t do this then I will make someone else captain”
Defeat 1000 enemies during 1 level.
Bronze: “He already has a reliable crew.”
Use Kizuna Attack with 3 different partners.
Bronze: “I couldn’t do anything.. that’s why you saved me!!”
Use Kizuna Attack over 20 times during 1 level.
Bronze: “You will become Heroes of Legend!!!”
Use Hero Power over 100 times.
Bronze: “Don`t look down at the power of your Partners!!”
Perform a Kizuna Special Attack together with 4 partners.
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 will be releasing in Japan tomorrow for PlayStation 4, PS3 and PS Vita. You can order the game via Play-Asia.com, or buy the game digitally by buying PSN Cards.