SSGSS Vegeta Visuals In Heroes and Dokkan, Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 Update Coming Soon
We’ve recieved a lot of SSGSS news this week and this time we have two new V-Jump scans that are mostly all about Vegeta.
The first scan reveals SSGSS Vegeta will be coming to Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle and towards the bottom it says that SSGSS Goku can be unlocked immediately with the special code inside June’s issue of V-Jump (the issue that comes out tomorrow).
Additionally, there are new visuals of SSGSS Vegeta in the arcade game Dragon Ball: Heroes. He will be able to transform on the 3rd round.
Towards the bottom it mentions that Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 for the 3DS will receive an update and come with new missions and a SSGSS Goku appearance.