Dragon Ball Xenoverse’s Resurrection of F Movie Pack Revealed in North America
Bandai Namco Entertainment has announced that Dragon Ball Xenoverse’s Resurrection of F will be coming to North America as well (as expected). This Movie Pack will include 4 playable characters: including Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta, Golden Frieza and and even Jaco the Galactic Patroller, who was a pre-order DLC for the Japanese version of the game.
It will also include Five Parallel Quests, Jaco the Galactic Patroller and Elder Kai as masters, Eight Masters Quests, 14 Moves, two new costumes including Gohan’s Tracksuit and the Turtle Hermit outfit which was also a pre-order bonus for the Japanese version, two new accessories including Tagoma’s Scouter and Turtle Hermit’s glasses, and Seven Z-Souls. Check them out below: