Super Robot Taisen Z3.2 Story Mode Translation Project (Guidance Scenario, Prologue I and II Complete)
It has been a daunting project, as this is normally out of our Shonengamez repertoire, but we’re proud to announce that we have progressed with chapters 1-10. While we don’t have these chapter translations edited on video yet, we do have the Guidance Scenario as well as Prologue I and II translated for your viewing pleasure.
We hope that this project can get more people into the Super Robot Wars series, as we had as much fun playing it while translating it, and hopefully with enough support we will be able to translate all the way through. If you like to keep this project alive and support it then please consider using our Play-Asia affiliate links on your next purchase!
Anything earned goes straight to the translators who helped made this project possible. Without further ado, you can check out the footage below and expect more to come soon.