New JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Video Shows Off Balance & Kars
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven has been pretty quiet as far as actual footage goes. The demo released sometime ago and a quite few people have played it, and during our experience with it there were some obvious worries and concerns about how this game could compare to All Star Battle.
Our very own SteelBallJack chimes in on the contents of the video that you can see below, explaining each step that the devs have made towards creating a better playing experience:
At an event in Tokushima, Japan named ‘Asobi Machi’, the latest build of Eyes of Heaven was revealed alongside a whole list of new tweaks with the game as a whole. The tweaks were from opinions and concerns that players of the demo commented on, using the Eyes of Heavens official home page.
The first tweak of the game comes from the ‘Dual Combo’ system, if one team member activates the Dual Combo then his partner must press (in the PS4 version’s case) the Touch Pad in the allotted time. Both members will then be able to perform their own combo before both characters finish off their enemy with a ‘Combo Finisher’.
New basic moves are introduced as well as other moves getting tweaks and variations like Blowbacks, Knock Downs, EX Skills, and Step Cancels. The game system and balancing of the many different gauges have also seen a huge improvement. There’s a new a cool-down timer for character skills, a 3 layered health gauge, a new Stamina gauge (which effects running and evading attacks), effect changes made to the ‘Inherited Will’ system, changes to the ‘GoGoGo Finish’ conditions as well as a sped up Finish QTE and finally one character will even be able to activate the Dual Heat Attack without their partners help.