Shonen Update – Scans, Tournaments, & Special Events!
Hey there Shonen readers! HGZ here from ShonenGameZ.com, and I’m here with a pretty long post about something, well a few things that we’re working on, and the entire ShonenGameZ team really wants to see what you guys think about our plans.
As you know, we’ve been the one of the most consistent sources for scan translations and Japanese gaming translations for a while now, and we really appreciate the fanbase that we’ve built as well as the awesome support that we get from everyday posters, youtubers, and even Bandai Namco themselves!
We thought up long and hard about what we could do to keep things moving forward at a steady pace, and there were a few things on the table that we agreed upon. Lately things have been a little rocky due to some issues with our providers, we’re working on those problems (and they’ve mostly been resolved thankfully!) and will keep doing our best to be a great source for scans and scan translations, but is that really enough?
Is it enough for us to give the fans great early gameplay, quick and early scan translations, and coverage of the games that you, the anime gaming community want to see the most?
We thought long and hard about the future of ShonenGameZ as a site, and realized that we’d have to move forward even more to please our fans and give you guys something new and refreshing, so that naturally evolved into an idea, something physical, something you could physically take with you as a piece of ShonenGameZ, as a part of the team that we’ve become over the past few years, an experience that you could go and share with your friends and real life rivals!
The anime gaming community is filled with fans that love their fighters, and the fighting games that we as anime fans enjoy, don’t always get the respect that they deserve. Our fighting games like Naruto Storm or JoJo’s All Star battle are a little more casual than others, but does that mean that we as fans don’t deserve a serious place where we can convene and take each other on in our favorite games?
It doesn’t, and we here at Shonen don’t believe that it should, which is why we’re working with a reputable group of amazing people to start Tournaments for OUR community. For those who want Naruto Storm, J-Stars, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, and more at EVO, we see how you feel, and we want to give you an outlet to show off your skills.
Our tournaments will take place in Manhattan, New York, and will be more than just a few people getting together to play games. These will be official events, backed by special people, made for special fans, and we’re doing everything we can to make this happen in a way that validates our community as one that matters when it comes to fighting games.
To do this however, we need a great amount of support, and as we move forward with our plans, we realize that the most important thing is going to be turnout. If we do this, we need people to show up. The first tournament would most likely be for J-Stars Victory VS +!
We need to make sure people come to this special thing that we’re doing, and experience it for the first time. We honestly want people to come and enjoy themselves, and understand our vision for the Anime Gaming community and know that they have a home with ShonenGameZ, but to get the ball rolling, we need a really good turnout at our first event.
Before we get an exact location down, we need to hear from you! The fans.
Who would show up to an event run by ShonenGameZ? Who would show up to the beginning of a whole new atmosphere for the Anime Fighting Game Community, and who would show up to show others their skill, and win amazing prizes and swag?
We need you to make this possible, for you. This is a passion project for us, and this really could grow into something that’s recognized by various companies and entities looking to throw their hand into the ring, it really just depends on your support, so if you think you could make it to an event like this, write down in the comments below and let us know!
Let us know if you could bring friends, and let us know what games you’d love to see! We’re reading every single comment, and we’ll be looking to see what you guys want across our various social media sources.
To celebrate our passion of working on the community, we’ve taken a look at the website and realized that it needs some upkeep. How can we be the Heart of the Anime Gaming Community if we aren’t looking our best? This leads us to what naturally will become our next big: The site is pretty nice looking compared to our original look, however we’ve seen some things that we know we can improve upon. We see tons of white space that could be used to make things better, and make things pop to give you an overall better reading experience.
We want things to load faster and ultimately want the overall Shonen experience to be neat and tidy, but still fresh. Below is a work in progress of what we have written up, and we should be be applying these changes by the end of the summer so look out for that.
Pretty right? You’ll most likely see a version of this (remember, work in progress) later this year with a cool new set of bells and whistles.
You might remember our first passion project, the J-Stars Victory VS translation project. That ended up being extremely popular with the fans, and we can’t wait to celebrate that with the new J-Stars Victory VS+. Very soon we’ll be hosting a livestream on the Shonen Channel with Members of our team playing against viewers!
You’ll have your chance to take us on and learn more details about the upcoming tournaments and events. This’ll also give you time to ask questions and have them answered live, so make sure you’re around when we announce the dates so you can be a part of it!
For now that’s all, can’t wait to see you guys at one of our events and on the stream!