More Details On Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4’s Leader-Change System Revealed
Bandai Namco Entertainment has released new footage for the upcoming anime fighter Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 which features CyberConnect2’s CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama giving more details on the new “Leader-Change” system.
He explains that you will be able to switch around members in your party at any given time during the match, which can also be done while doing combos, as well. However, he revealed that there’s a cooldown period for how often the leader-change can be done, but it’s something that’s still in adjustment.
Matsuyama later explained how Fire Style jutsu will leave a burn effect on enemies which will damage them for a few seconds. While playing, you will see the flame remains on the characters. However, he added that players will be able to turn off the flames with rapid movements or by going on puddles or rives found in the stages. Switching team members will also get rid of the effect.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 will be releasing this fall for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Check it out below: