ShonenGameZ Presents: Tenkai – The Fighting Event for Gamers
Hey guys, HGZ here for ShonenGameZ, and we told you it was coming in our latest Shonen Update, and we didn’t lie. We looked at each other and knew that we couldn’t make our fans, or loyal readers wait all summer for an event that they would enjoy for what it really is.
This isn’t EVO and this isn’t APEX.
This is
A Fighting Event for you, for us, and most importantly for gamers. Tenkai is a fighting event that we hope can hit three key marks.
Revolution, Expansion, Development.
If we can hit these three marks, we know that Tenkai can become something special for the fans, and in this post, we’re going to talk to you about the steps we’re taking to hit those marks., as well as what they really even are.
First off:
What do we mean when we say we want a revolution? Well, when you look at the FGC (The fighting game community) today, you see a few things that people are into, and a few of the things that people are quick to scoff at. One of those things that people often scoff at is the presence of anime games at any fighting event.
Yes, it is up to developers to make their games appeal to the hardcore community, but this doesn’t mean that people don’t take these games seriously. There’s a wide fanbase of people who take Naruto Storm just as serious as they would any Tekken game.
There was no potential for a game like Naruto Storm or J-Stars, or even more serious games like JoJo’s All Star Battle and Xenoverse to make it to any of the events that we all watch every year, and as hard as that is to accept, that’s just how it is when you’re an anime gaming fan.
But we thought, wait, no. That isn’t right. Even if this game doesn’t need a down forward input, even if this game isn’t as complex as the next, we enjoy it. People are out there fighting in ranked matches, with their friends online and in person, and having a great time testing their skills, so why not ignore the rules that say “These games can’t be taken seriously“, and revolutionize that thought process?
At Tenkai, we bring the games that our community members want to see, because they’re the ones you enjoy, and the ones that you deserve the opportunity to shine in. We hope that by including these games, we can revolutionize the way that others perceive these games, and also the ways that the developers are making the games.
This brings us to the next mark.
TGZ and I are from New Jersey. There are small tournaments here and there in New York and APEX is held in here in NJ, but again the games that people in OUR community want to see have no place at these events.
That’s why we’re committing to expansion. Apart from revolutionizing the community, we want to expand it. At our events you’ll be able to play games like J-Stars or Storm 4, but you’ll also get to see what all the fuss over Mortal Kombat X is about. We don’t just want you to live in a bubble, we want players, gamers on both sides of the line in the sand to peak over. Try something else out, you might enjoy it.
We want to expand your repertoire, and we also want to make sure that you have the ability to try new things at every tournament we hold, whether it’s your first time coming or your 10th. We’ll continuously be taking feedback from each tournament, and applying it to the text. Things people want to see, don’t want to see. We’ll have polls up to better understand your opinions and feelings, and we’ll be reading the comments to take on your concerns.
This is a paid event, meaning it’ll cost you money at the door to get in. Some people will obviously have reservations about that, however we’ll always fight to make it so you get a fair price. Entrance to our first event will cost you $25, however in our effort to make it worth it, we made sure that you won’t go hungry by having our venue dedicate space for you to eat, free of charge.
The food isn’t all you’ll get. Those adventurous gamers that step into our J-Stars tournament will have the opportunity to win one of FOUR J-Stars Victory VS+ copies that will be ready for their fanboying. On top of this, we’ll have posters and exclusive gear from the Shonen Shop on site and on sale at reasonable prices just incase you see something you like.
We have financers working with us on these events, and their goal is to make sure that we can do this again, and again, and again. That brings me to the next mark that we’ll be doing our best to hit.
We want to develop, as a site, as gamers, as members of this community, and as soon to be event runners. We want to develop.
The reality of the internet, and our situation on it is, all of us need or have jobs. I personally work at a Radio Station in New York, some of us work at Post Offices, and some of us have other business plans that make it possible for us to make a living, I say this to say, the money being made doing these tournaments is going strictly to development.
But developing what? Well.
We want to develop relationships with the venues that you like the most. Part of the cost of entry goes towards the venue of choice for each tournament. This makes it possible for us to be there, and shows the venue owners that we mean business, and want them to be part of our vision.
We want to develop our lineup. Part of the cost of entry goes towards gear that we need to grow more and more over time, to continue to bring you a great experience. We use televisions, consoles, remotes, games, and hours and hours unlocking characters for different accounts and whatnot. Part of your money goes towards making sure these things are handled and ready when it’s time for you to put your all on the line for a copy of a game or sweet poster.
We want to develop our community. Part of the cost of entry goes towards making sure we have enough space for the things you want most. Over time we’ll have to move from Blarney’s to Dave and Busters, from Dave and Busters, to a floor of a hotel, and from there, to even bigger things. This has the potential to become something huge, and you can say you were a part of it from the very beginning.
The rule of thumb is, you never want to have less space than you need, and with community members like SketchyMidnight, Bum1six3, and other Streamers and YouTubers looking to throw their hand into the mix, we’ll obviously always need to grow to accommodate their fans and the fans that we make right here on our website, because who wants to be PACKED into a room full of us? We’re a rowdy bunch. Steel chairs might get thrown.
Hopefully not lol. No seriously. No Boondocks moments allowed.
Most of all, we want to develop the content that we can bring to you. You may have noticed that we’re always dropping something new or trying something new out at ShonenGameZ, and that’s because we believe that our experience with the fans and the community should go beyond just words on a flat screen, beyond comments on a forum or article page, and beyond views and likes on our YouTube channels.
We believe that there should be physical interaction with our fans. We want to allow you to come and live our dreams along with us, to be part of that community outside of your phone or your monitor, is really something that we hope to allow you all to experience.
These are the three things that Tenkai will hope to achieve, and the three things that we at Shonen will continue to work towards with Tenkai.
Good. We are too.
To sign up for one of our events, sign up on one of the official sign-up articles. These will pop up after we announce our tournaments, and you’ll see them on social media and other mediums as well. Sign-ups aren’t open just yet, but we’re preparing a TL;DR for those of you who were too lazy to read everything above and just want to know the meat of things, in a way that only we here at ShonenGameZ provide.
Check that out, and leave comments below discussing any questions you may have! We’ll be around to answer them!