Dragon Ball Super Chapter 4 Spoilers
The latest issue of V-Jump contains Chapter 4, the fight continues with Goku showing up getting ready to fight Lord Beerus with his Super Saiyan God transformation. We’ll be putting up the script for the new sections in the manga and summarize everything else that’s already known. Thanks to SteelBallJack for the translations.
Page 1-9:
Shenron is summoned and Goku asks about the Super Saiyan God and how to summon him. They then find out how through him and Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan God. Immediately after the fight between Goku and Beerus begins. Like in the movie, they fly around the city fighting, then battle in an area away from civilians.
Page 10:
Kaioushin’s Planet
Old Kai:
“The power of their battle is resonating all the way over here from Earth…!?”
“If this continues then..”
“..then the whole universe will be destroyed!!”
“My apologies Elder..”
“..but I’ve gathered the Namekian Dragon Balls.”
Old Kai:
“Huh.. what?”
“Champa is already half way across the universe now.”
“It seems he wasn’t looking for them so you can go ahead and put them back where you found them!”
“Huh!? Wait, what…?”
Page 11-16:
Beerus and Goku are fighting in space and Beerus unleashes his final attack on Goku. Goku then gains back his Super Saiyan God abilities and uses a Kamehameha to stop his attack. Beerus was impressed by what Goku’s done and he leaves with Whis shortly after.
Note: The ending was different from the movie since he doesn’t land on Earth he just leaves while still in space with Goku.
Page 17:
Old Kai:
“So Beerus-sama decided not to destroy the world, hmm…”
“Goku really is a mysterious individual isn’t he…”
Old Kai:
“Well of course he…you two really wasted the power of the Potara earrings didn’t you!”
“Haha..ha.. well we already gathered the Dragonballs so..”
“.. I thought.. why not wish us both to return to our former selves…”
Old Kai:
“Anyhow it seems everything will be returning back to normal…”
Page 18: Frieza Soldiers Talk To Each Other
Frieza Soldiers:
“Somewhere in the far reaches of space…”
W-what is that?
How can a dragon ball this huge even exist?!
W-we have to report this to HQ!
We finally have visual on a dragon ball!
R-roger that!
Lord Karuna! Is someone over there…?
Champa uses a finger beam blast and destroys their space craft
Frieza Soldiers:
Page 19: Meanwhile at Planet Frieza No.17
Tagoma: Lord Sorbet!
Lord Garana’s surveillance ship was destroyed by an unidentified force!
Frieza Soldier:
What did you just say?
Lord Garana is our army’s number 2!!
At this rate our combined force will…
The only path left is to revive Frieza!
Hurry! We have to find the dragon balls!
Right after this it cuts straight to Champa and the mystery Whis look alike.
??? (Female Whis lookalike):
“Champa-sama.. if you continue on showing up like this then Beerus-sama will..”
“Yeah Yeah, I know… that`s why we`re heading home.”
“You know what, maybe I should get him a little something..”
“A little souvenir for the next time we both meet.”
Check Checkers Specials and Dischem Specials.