Dragon Ball: Fusions Trailer Goes In-Depth on Combat
Bandai Namco Japan has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball: Fusions and it explains in detail how the combat will work in-game. Details range from multiple attacks like the “Full Throttle Attack” which changes the combat to a 3rd person perspective to other details such as character types and their weaknesses. Thanks to SteelBallJack for the translated summary.
Attack Menu is as follows:
-Energy Blast
-Super Attack
-Charge Ki
-Check Strength
Trailer Details:
– Enemies will be waiting across the map and Timeline of attacks goes from left to right
– You can only use Super Attacks after gaining Ki Orbs. The Attack command allows you to fly and attack an opponent.
– There are many types of Energy blasts with different effects, but most seen in the video allow more than one person in an area to receive damage (Energy Blasts use Ki)
– There are 3 character types: Power is stronger than Technique, Technique is stronger than Speed and Speed is stronger than Power.
– Knocking them out of the ring temporarily cancels their position in the attack timeline giving you a chance before they attack again
– When many characters attacks are lined up in a row on the timeline you can call them all in a support attack
There are 3 types of Super Attacks:
Battle Type, Energy Type & Support Type
Energy Types can hit many opponents
Support Types can heal partners health or give boosts
Full Throttle Attacks change the camera into more of a 3rd person fighter type view with the following buttons:
X: Energy Blast
A: Strike
Y/B: Guard,
– There is a chance that enemy characters will join you once defeated them with a Full Throttle Attack
– You can choose between a “Full Throttle Attack” or “Maxi-Fusion” when the Maxi-Gauge is full