Next Month’s V-Jump Will Reveal More About Dragon Ball FighterZ Story Mode and Avatar System for Shinobi Striker
In V-Jump’s next month preview; it hints that more information about Dragon Ball FighterZ story mode will be revealed. While it doesn’t go into specifics, we can safely assume that this will be a part of the two page spread. If it’s like the last teaser that hinted about more vs. mode information, then we can assume that it is one of many things to be revealed on September 21st.
In other news, the next issue of V-Jump will have more information on the avatar system in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.
Translation (Thanks RyuujiTK):
Text next to Goku: “Incoming details on the story mode!!”
Shinobi Striker: “New information on the avatar system is revealed!?”