Rumor: Do You See Beerus In This Dragon Ball FighterZ Scan? Some Fans Think They Do
Dragon Ball FighterZ just announced Gotenks, Kid Buu and Ultimate Gohan, but some keen-eyed fans are claiming that another character might have been revealed as well, but by accident.
While some fans claim to see Hit in the image below, we doubt this due to it looking a little too much like Captain Ginyu for our taste, however, what we do know is that there is only 1 character that has purple skin announced so far for the game.
If Captain Ginyu is the portrait on the left, then who is the portrait on the right? The portraits are obviously heavily pixelated due to their small size, however it is important to note that both seem to contain purple, neither look like Frieza, and if you look very closely you can see what appears to be two purple ears on the portrait to the right.
Could it be Beerus? Could it just be a scan error? Let us know what you think below!