Perfected Ultra Instinct’s Ultimate Technique Revealed in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC Scan
The almighty power of Ultra Instinct awakens in the new DLC for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!
Goku shows off his new Perfected Ultra Instinct form by using some interesting moves!
Hiken is a technique that uses compressed air to hit an opponent. Along with the natural ability to dodge all attacks, Ultra Instinct Goku can use “Accelerated Stamina”, which lets you “Center yourself and focus your Ki into one spot to greatly increase strength! This ability is exclusive to Ultra Instinct!”.
The most important new ability is Ultra Instinct’s most powerful technique! God’s Awakening Performance! Goku rushes down the enemy with some amazing hits and ki blasts, into what looks like a one handed spirit bomb made out of Goku’s own Genki, however it could just be an enhanced ki blast, but that doesn’t fit in with the whole “most powerful technique” tagline.
On the left side of the scan, we get info about Fuu and the new story scenario. There will be new animated scenes, different routes to take and interesting sights to see! Check out the scan for the full context!
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