Rumor: Dragon Ball FighterZ Second Season DLC Leaked
Reddit user Dasvergeben who previously leaked Bardock, Broly as well as Base Form Goku and Vegeta has recently revealed the supposed second season DLC for FighterZ which we’ll list below!
Tapion and Gogeta
Master Roshi and Videl (w/ The Great Saiyaman)
Raditz and Zarbon (which Dasvergeben discussed being in the works in a previous post)
Cabba and Kale (w/Caulifla)
He has also confirmed earlier leaks that suggest that the Season 1 DLC characters will be Broly, Bardock, Base Goku, Base Vegeta, SSGSS Vegito, Merged Zamasu, Cooler, and Android 17! These characters are apparently all going to be out by July, but take everything with a grain of salt until things are officially announced of course!
Assuming this list is spot-on, what do you think of the rumored DLC list?
Check Shoprite Specials and Spar Specials.