Black Clover: Quartet Knights Will Have an Original Story Mode Featuring Young Yami
Translations are here and it seems the latest Black Clover: Quartet Knights V-Jump scan is packed with information. The game will feature an original story mode featuring a young version of Yami Sukehiro, the captain of the Black Bulls. This story mode will feature 1 vs. 1 battles, which Yami shines in. In this story, the Black Bulls head off to the dungeon on a mission where Yami gets split up from the main group. When they catch up, they find Yami rejuvenated and passed out on the ground. Yami seems to have no recollection of how he ended up there, but what he does know is that he needs to find an old friend.
Additionally, we get more information on the original character, Karuna, or rather more questions. For now, both her affinity or style are unknown but it’s suspected that she could have something to do with Yami’s rejuvenation. It is also revealed that she attacks the Clover Kingdom and stands as a foe against Asta, and has some connection with Yami’s past. Check out the scan below: