Dragon Ball Legends Japanese Pre-Registration Bonuses Revealed
Dragon Ball Legends has a huge feature in the latest V-Jump magazine and in this scan it details the pre-registration bonuses that will appear at launch if enough people signup!
Here’s the list of items that will become available if the numbers are met:
Time Crystals: No Pre-Register number in particular, but if more people signup then more crystals will become available
Saiyan Arc Goku: If 9000 people signup then he will become available at launch
Goku’s Outfit: If 100,000 people signup you can have Shallot wear Goku’s outfit
First Form Frieza: If 530,000 people register then the character card will become available
The right side of the scan gives a detailed overview about the game’s Battle System so be sure to check that out if you haven’t played the beta and want to know what each display means.