New Dragon Ball Fusions Scan Details The Battle System & First Print Bonuses
Dragon Ball Fusions Hits our 3DS Screens on August 4th which is coming up fast, so the latest scan for the game details the combat system and some extra goodies you’ll get if you get the first print version of the game!
In story-mode, you’ll be able to fly around to get from point A to point B! Once you finally get into a battle, you’ll be taken to the Action and Command Screen! on this screen, you’ll be able to pick one of your characters and give them a command. They can enter close combat with an enemy, hit them from long range with a Ki Blast/ranged attack, or you can use your Special Move! Your goal is to defeat the enemies, however you’ll be able to push them around with your attacks, but it isn’t clear if getting them clumped together means that they share damage during supers or anything, even though the scan hints it.
First Print editions of the game come with an early access code for SSGSS Goku, and a card for a Fusion between Gohan and Trunks used in the Dragon Ball Heroes Japanese Arcade game!
There’ll also be a limited edition New 3DS bundle, with an awesome faceplate! Check out all of this information in the scan and trailer below!
Sources: V-Jump Archives & Siliconera