Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’s Latest V-Jump Scan Details Conton City & New Moves
The latest Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 scan is here from V-Jump and man is it informative!
The scan continues to show off the 6 player missions that we saw in the Gamescom trailer! These missions are called Expert missions, and will be available alongside the Parallel Quests we know and love from the original Xenoverse! As fun as it is to grab a group of your friends and take on giant apes and evil villains, the scan details the many different ways that your 6 player battle can be interrupted!
Several new moves have been given to certain enemies!
There is:
Scatter Attack, which separates you and your team using portals.
Gigantic Energy Blast, which will force you and your team to go all out to stop the attack
& Brainwash, which forces your character to go and fight mirror versions of themselves to fight the evil within before you’re able to rejoin your party!
More details include a breakdown of the multiple areas of Conton City, which include a Mushroom desert, an area similar to Namek, a Resort like area, a School, Bamboo woods, the Registration area, and an area for you to shop for various items and skills that you’ll need to defeat the pure evil that awaits you!
That pure evil comes in the form of Broly (Pure Evil Version), along with a host of other bads like Golden Frieza, Janemba, and Kid Buu!
Check out both scans below for more details on the city, 6 player battles, the new pure evil forms, and even Majin Vegeta!
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