Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Sagas List Leaked By 2Chan
Someone on 2Chan was lucky enough to get the game guide a few days early and leaked a picture of the nine sagas in Dragon Ball: Xenoverse.
You can check out the Sagas below:
1. Saiyan Saga
2. Saiyan Saga 2
3. Ginyu Corps. Saga
4. Frieza Saga
5. Cell Saga
6. Android Saga
7. Majin Buu Saga
8. God of Destruction: Beerus Saga
9. Demon Demigra Saga
Additionally after clearing the game you’ll receive the “Crystal of Time” and there are five pieces to collect. You can unlock the shards by completing the following:
1st Shard: Defeat Quest 3 of the Demigra Saga.
2nd Shard: Speak with Recon at “Time Square”.
3rd Shard. Perfect Parallel Quest 49 “The Saiyans Rebellion”.
4th Shard: In Parallel Quest 14 “The Legendary Super Saiyan”, defeat Goku or Ginyu in Goku’s body during Parallel Quest 18 “Ginyu Corps Return”.
5th Shard: Perfect Parallel Quest 2 “Get ready for the Saiyan Invasion!” or Defeat Super Saiyan Goku in Parallel Quest 21 “Let the Cell Games Begin!”
Something happens when you gather all 5 shards!!
Thanks to SteelBallJack for the translation.
Pre-orders for Dragon Ball Xenoverse are now available on Play-Asia.com. Additionally, you may pre-order the Asian PS3 version as well. Additionally you can get digital version by buying PSN Points Cards as well.
Check Lidl Special Buys and Argos Catalogue.